
Day 3

Day 3. Modeling Fair! And other things haha
This morning I woke up pretty early again around 6:30 to start my day. Me and my mom left the house around 12 and it only took about 15 minutes to walk all the way from our Navy Lodge where we are staying, to that central place with all the stores and food. We were early...so guess what we decided to find? The Starbucks!!!!! It had some different flavors, like the one that I tried which was a dark chocolate java chip frapp which was pretty good ;) There were other different flavors but I can't remember!! Once we go again I will write them all down so I won't forget ;) Anyway, then we headed down to the Community Readiness center where the Modeling Fair was being held. It was really cool cuz the base puts this fair on only twice a year, and we just barely got here in time for this! Around 12-16 agencies would show up, and you would give them your information and a few pictures, and then you'd get to stand in front of the camera and they'd take pictures of you. If they liked you, they would give you their card and you would send them more pictures and they would give you the information to get a job with them.
So when I went, it was kind of cool because I felt like I had a better shot at getting a job, only because majority of the "models" there were children and some agencies were interested in older people. So I had less competitors! ;) I got about 5 cards from different agencies and a few of them said they would email me first, so I guess we'll find out how this goes if I hear back from any of them!! :)

Tonight was the first night we ate at home, and my dad made some authentic Japanese dinner. It was just chicken, rice and seaweed, and probably more than that haha but it wasn't too crazy! It tasted pretty good though ;)

So today wasn't quite as jam packed as yesterday, but it was nice to do a little more relaxing, write in my diary and my blog, and well catch up on my homework... Anyways, until next time! :)


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